Lumiverse  2.5
A framework for creating lighting control applications
Simulation Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Simulation:


directory  Dumiverse


file  ArnoldAnimationPatch.cpp
file  ArnoldAnimationPatch.h [code]
 Subclass of ArnoldPatch to render frames of an animation.
file  ArnoldFileFrameManager.cpp
file  ArnoldFileFrameManager.h [code]
 An implemnetation for frame manager using in-memory buffer.
file  ArnoldFrameManager.h [code]
 The superclass for all implementation of frame managers.
file  ArnoldInterface.cpp
file  ArnoldInterface.h [code]
 Implementation of a interface between ArnoldPatch and arnold.
file  ArnoldMemoryFrameManager.cpp
file  ArnoldMemoryFrameManager.h [code]
 An implemnetation for frame manager using in-memory buffer.
file  ArnoldParameterVector.h [code]
 Stores a vector used by ArnoldPatch.
file  ArnoldPatch copy.cpp
file  ArnoldPatch copy.h [code]
file  ArnoldPatch.cpp
file  ArnoldPatch.h [code]
 Implementation of a patch for Arnold.
file  CachingArnoldInterface.cpp
file  CachingArnoldInterface.h [code]
 An interface for serving cached Arnold render responses.
file  Compositor.cpp
file  Compositor.h [code]
file  DistributedArnoldInterface.cpp
file  DistributedArnoldInterface.h [code]
file  DistributedCachingArnoldInterface.cpp
file  DistributedCachingArnoldInterface.h [code]
 An interface for serving distributed cached Arnold render responses.
file  EXRLayer.cpp
file  EXRLayer.h [code]
file  imageio.cpp
file  imageio.h [code]
file  PhotoAnimationPatch.cpp
file  PhotoAnimationPatch.h [code]
 Subclass of ArnoldPatch to render frames of an animation.
file  PhotoPatch.cpp
file  PhotoPatch.h [code]
 Implementation of a patch for Arnold.
file  Pixel.h [code]
file  SimulationAnimationPatch.cpp
file  SimulationAnimationPatch.h [code]
 Subclass of ArnoldPatch to render frames of an animation.
file  SimulationPatch.cpp
file  SimulationPatch.h [code]
 Implementation of a patch for Arnold.
file  ToneMapper.cpp
file  ToneMapper.h [code]