Lumiverse  2.5
A framework for creating lighting control applications
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CLumiverse::AiArraySet< T >
 CLumiverse::AiNodeSet< T >
 CLumiverse::ArnoldInterfaceInterface between ArnoldPatch and arnold. Almost all arnold APIs are called from this class
 CLumiverse::ArnoldParameterVector< D, T >Defines a vector type for Arnold parameters, like color, vector etc
 CLumiverse::BucketPositionInfoWrapper for unit (bucket) being rendered
 CLumiverse::DeviceA Device in Lumiverse maintains information about a lighting device
 CLumiverse::DeviceSetA DeviceSet is a set of devices
 CLumiverse::DMXDevicePatchThis class includes information on how to translate the device properties for a given device to DMX values
 CLumiverse::DMXInterfaceProvides a common interface to various DMX devices
 CLumiverse::DynamicDeviceSetA DynamicDeviceSet is a set of devices specified by a query string
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::EventEvents are special keyframes that call other functions when encountered
 CLumiverse::FocusPaletteA Focus Palette is a preset configuration for the pan and tilt of a light
 CLumiverse::FrameDeviceInfoThe state info for worker thread
 Cstd::hash< Lumiverse::ShowControl::Layer::BlendMode >
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::KeyframeA Keyframe stores the value of a parameter at the specified time
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::LayerA Layer stores a state of the Rig
 CLumiverse::LumiverseTypeThis class is a wapper around a variety of different possible data types that might be needed by a Device
 CLumiverse::LumiverseColorThis class describes a color
 CLumiverse::LumiverseEnumDefines an enumeration in Lumiverse
 CLumiverse::LumiverseFloatDefines a float in Lumiverse
 CLumiverse::LumiverseOrientationDefines an orientation in Lumiverse
 CLumiverse::PatchA Patch maps devices to output channels and handles the output of data to the network
 CLumiverse::ArnoldPatchThe Arnold Patch object is responsible for the communication between the Arnold renderer and the Lumiverse devices. The major part of communication is done with help of an ArnoldInterface object. ArnoldPatch handles parsing Json and passing info to ArnoldInterface
 CLumiverse::ArnoldAnimationPatchA subclass of ArnoldPatch. Instead of interrupting the worker thread every time a new rendering task is received, this class keeps all requests in a queue. A worker thread grasps tasks and dumps frame buffer to a ArnoldFrameManager
 CLumiverse::DMXPatchThe DMX Patch object manages the communication between the DMX network and the Lumiverse devices
 CLumiverse::SimulationPatchThe Arnold Patch object is responsible for the communication between the Arnold renderer and the Lumiverse devices. The major part of communication is done with help of an ArnoldInterface object. SimulationPatch handles parsing Json and passing info to ArnoldInterface
 CLumiverse::ArnoldPatchThe Arnold Patch object is responsible for the communication between the Arnold renderer and the Lumiverse devices. The major part of communication is done with help of an ArnoldInterface object. ArnoldPatch handles parsing Json and passing info to ArnoldInterface
 CLumiverse::patchDataSmall struct containing information on where the DMX parameter starts and how to convert it to the right type
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::PlaybackA playback object manages layers, timelines, and coordinates their actions and updates
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::PlaybackDataData that tracks the progress of a Timeline
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::ProgrammerA Programmer is a special Layer-like object used to manipulate specific devices for cues
 CLumiverse::ProgressInfoWrapper for progress information computed based on number of buckets
 CLumiverse::RigThe Rig contains information about the state of the lighting system
 CLumiverse::SimulationAnimationPatchA subclass of ArnoldPatch. Instead of interrupting the worker thread every time a new rendering task is received, this class keeps all requests in a queue. A worker thread grasps tasks and dumps frame buffer to a ArnoldFrameManager
 CLumiverse::ArnoldAnimationPatchA subclass of ArnoldPatch. Instead of interrupting the worker thread every time a new rendering task is received, this class keeps all requests in a queue. A worker thread grasps tasks and dumps frame buffer to a ArnoldFrameManager
 CLumiverse::SimulationLightRecordRecord that denotes if a arnold light node requires update
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::SnapshotA Snapshot stores the state of the Rig at a particular time
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::TimelineA Timeline is a list of device parameter values at arbitrary times
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::CueA cue stores data for a particular look (called a cue)
 CLumiverse::ShowControl::SineWaveThis class implements a sine-wave effect